I created Simple SPA Application which can create the picture for “The Top 9 Albums Instagram Challenge”. And I used below library & frameworks
- Laravel (6.2)
- Vue.js(Vuetify) (2.6)
- Spotify API
What is the top 9 albums instagram challenge?
‘#9AlbumsThatChangedMyLife’ has been filling our Instagram’s feeds for the past few days as people share their most highly-rated albums from some of their favourite artists. And most of them are arranging the hard copies of their favourite nine albums into a square on their bedroom floor.
The reason why I created “The Top 9 Albums Creator”
Simply Speaking, I couldn’t found the best app for creating the pic for ‘#9AlbumsThatChangedMyLife’. When I tried to create the pic for this challenge, I had to seacrh on google, then save the album’s pic one by one. After collecting the pics, finally I could merge the pic by using collage app. Isn’t it a little annoying? After experiencing this, I decided to create an original app for ‘#9AlbumsThatChangedMyLife’.
About technical things
Actually the access API token required to use the Spotify API is valid for only one hour. That’why I created the function which refresh the access token on Laravel’s middleware. Before executing every api’s request, middleware will confirm the access token’s status.
In order to create the drag & drop function for arranging album’s pics, I adopted Vue.Draggable. Initially I thought it’s difficult to create this kind of function, but this library made this function very easy.

About Future Plans
I’m planning to release this app as one of my portfolio. After releasing this app, I gonna announce again on this blog.
Spotify API provides more functionality such as music player, so perhaps I’ll create original audio player next time.